The Heart Of Success Podcast
This podcast is about sharing a personal self-healing experience with the spontaneous remission that inspires high achieving women heal their bodies, transform their lives and evolve their consciousness.
Larisa's profound holistic healing of breast cancer led her to create teachings that have helped countless women to see what is truly possible, to connect to their power, to experience a state of being vibrantly alive, happy and fulfilled. Her experience shares the significance and power of spiritual intelligence, inner wisdom and inbuilt capacity to self- heal.
From restless high achieving business woman to a happy, fulfilled and holistically wealthy person, Larisa helps women to get to the root cause of a lifestyle illnesses and "heal their identity".
This is an opportunity to redefine what success means to you, to connect deeply with others who share your journey, and to inspire those who are silently struggling with the same "The Hustle-Happiness Paradox". If you're ready to voice your experiences and contribute to a meaningful conversation about achieving a harmonious blend of professional success and personal fulfilment, we'd be honoured to have you as our special guest.
Let's inspire a new definition of success together. Reach out to me, and let your story be the beacon for women on the path to authentic fulfilment.
Just a quick reminder: The tips and insights we share on this show are for general informational and educational purposes only and aren't a substitute for professional medical advice. We're not doctors or health professionals, and we strongly recommend that you consult with a healthcare provider for any health-related questions or before making lifestyle changes based on our discussions. By tuning in to this podcast, you agree not to use our content as medical advice.
The Heart Of Success Podcast
Manifesting Your Destiny: Transforming Fear into Freedom and Creativity
In this episode, we dive into "The Secret to Having It All." We're tackling how to achieve both career success and personal joy. We'll redefine success, moving away from old standards to embrace a life where work, health, and happiness intertwine. Our discussion will spotlight real-world strategies from those who've mastered this balance, providing actionable tips for blending professional ambitions with personal well-being. Tune in to discover how you can craft your unique formula for living a fulfilled life, perfectly balancing your professional goals with life's joys. Join us to unlock your path to having it all!
Welcome to "The Heart of Success," where we redefine success with Larisa Vakulina – a multi-awarded entrepreneur, healer, and mentor.
Feeling unfulfilled despite your achievements? Larisa knows your journey. Each week, she shares powerful insights to help you blend professional success with personal fulfillment. Through her unique blend of business strategies and spiritual principles, you'll discover your true self and build a heart-aligned life.
Ready to transform your life?
Thank you for tuning in to "The Heart of Success"! If you enjoyed today’s episode, don’t forget to subscribe and share it with your friends. Let's spread the word and help more people find true fulfillment.
For more tips and resources, join my newsletter at LarisaVakulina.com. Stay connected, stay inspired, and remember, your success starts from the heart. Until next time, keep thriving and shining!
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Take The Happiness and Abundance Persona Style Quiz to find out what is your Happiness and Abundance Potential!
Hello everyone, happy new year. And just this year started with such an interesting energetic pump that I cannot explain for you how do I feel in terms of expansion and in terms of having already a feeling that this year is going to be so amazing for everyone, not only for one or two persons that are really, you know, working hard, but for everyone. This is the year of breakthrough, is the year of breakthrough. This is the year of putting all our dreams and all our aspirations and all our goals into the place, and everything is going to help you to do that, because this is the year opening up this window of opportunity for us to start to create our own life. So we need to become a creators. We need to start to move and transform from the consciousness of fearful and limited and kind of very cautious and not expressing ourselves in a true sense, but really unlimited, free-flowing, free-creating beings. And this is the year and it is already starting.
Speaker 1:Today is only 8th of January, but it is already for seven days of this new year, I have felt an amazing expansion. I personally felt that everything that I was putting for my intention for this year is already happening. So I would like to share with you today a simple but very, very powerful practice and technique. How can you have it all? How can you use this energy, use these opportunities of this year to create everything that you like in your life, everything that you would like to have in your life? Well, number one, of course, we need to have absolute clear clarity. We need to have this clear clarity, we need to have this diamond clarity what you want from your life.
Speaker 1:Because a lot of people actually don't know what they want in their lives. A lot of people know better what's good for other people because they assume that they know better what's good for other people because they assume that they know better what good for other people. They just want to give them advice or want them to follow whatever protocols they see in and hearing or whatever. It's like they always projecting their own lives and their own desires and wants onto the external dimension of our life. But that's really not working well, because we need to start to know what we individually want. We individually want. We are all individual, divine beings that are given unique talents, given an inner genius that actually needs to live its own purpose, needs to find that lifeline I call it, and start to follow your own learnings, because the time of copying, mimicking, competing, following expert opinions and just listening and copying and following all the others who are telling us what to do. I'm telling you follow yourself. You have all the answers within yourself. You're just so amazing. All of the wisdom that you have there now is accessible.
Speaker 1:You just need to ask, and you need to ask yourself a question, what my life will look like in 2025 and beyond. What really do I want to have and be in my life? Do I want to have and be in my life regardless of other people, regardless of government, religion, organizations, all the experts and all the other external identities, entities? So what you want from your life, what you want in your life, it is only you, the unique you, one of 8 billion people on this earth, and only your life is having that unique signature that you need to start to identify, find out and connect to that place. Only then you will start to create precisely and clearly what it is that you want in your life. So that's number one Just perfect clarity. That's what you need to have.
Speaker 1:If you don't have it, well, how? How the universe can help you if you yourself don't have clarity? It's like putting the request and putting order to receive something but really not knowing what to receive. So just think about it. It's really don't have any logic when people saying I want to be happy, what does that mean? So can you be so specific? Can you have the specific description of what happiness really means to you? Is it about a family reunion and connection on a deeper level? Is it about reaching your potential and achieving in your professional life? And achieving in your professional life? Is it meeting your loved ones and have the best fulfilled relationship, or is it all of it? But at the same time, you can specify in each area of your life what your life looks like in the sense of the details, how it looks in sense of the details, how it looks, where it is located, what shapes, forms, sizes, all of it. You can really just put that into your specific request so that it is so specific that it can actually come into your life, because when you don't have specific order or specific request, it's never going to come in the way you want it. Or even if you have it within yourself but you don't even for yourself voice it or you write it and you really know and sure and believe it is on your way, well then the universe will have the doubts too, right. So that's number two specific, detailed understanding of your request, okay, okay. Well then, of course you need to make sure you are free from desperately thinking about what you want. Just let it go. Let it go and keep living your life, joyfully doing stuff that you like, and just believe it's on the way but you're not really attached to it. So disattach yourself from the idea of constantly thinking about it and constantly kind of doubting these things. Number four you need to keep that image Better. If you just imagine your desire and your wishes in colorful sense, in sense of the form, the shape, the color, the size, the things and the feeling, most of it it is a feeling and it's all of it like the thinking, mind and visualizing in your mind screen and also connecting to your heart in terms of how that image makes you feel. So when you connect it all together and believing that the universe is delivering it to you, well then you're going to have it. You're going to have it.
Speaker 1:I experience in a number of years already more than 10 years I'm manifesting day in and day out what I want to have Back 12 years ago I didn't know, but it was almost like an unconscious, intuitive journey of dreaming about purchasing my land and creating sanctuary. Well, back then I didn't even know that I want to create sanctuary, I just wanted land. But I didn't know how to manifest what I was doing, only keeping that image in my mind and visiting that imaginary place very often and feeling so good. It was just so amazing to get into my visions to this place and almost feel the smell of cut grass, almost feel the environment around and see all of this beauty, with a lot of water, undulating pastures and all of it, that I have it now. And it took me four years to do that. But now I can manifest within a few days.
Speaker 1:So trust this process works and, just at the beginning of this year, equip yourself with being very relaxed, at peace, very clearly state and declare what you want into your life and everything will enter your life in the right timing. That is best for you. And there's a one little small, um, one little small condition to all of that. I told you, Universe works like a fine craftsman and it has a universal law that it operates on, and that law is saying we're all equal. We're all the same. We all deserve what we're dreaming about. We all deserve what we're dreaming about and that law also based on the law of unconditional love for everything that is here on this planet. So if your dreams are, for some reason, at the cost of other people, or at the cost of somebody or organization, or at the cost of damaging and harming something, well then forget about it. Universe is not going to deliver it what you want. It's going to deliver something that you don't want, distorted or possibly completely not deliberate. So there's one condition you need to form your desires and you need to form your requests that are following that universal law of equity, equality and balance for all. Everyone is the same and everyone is having the same right to give and receive.
Speaker 1:So I would like to say thank you for being with me here, and it is very exciting. I am already very, very excited. I have already received a number of my dreams in these seven years of new year that I placed at the end of the 2024, and it is so exciting. It is absolutely mind-blowing how quickly the universe delivers to you when you have the clarity, when you are within the universal law of unconditional love, when you are disattached from the desperation of having it all when you really specifically declare your request.
Speaker 1:So number of rules, very simple, and it is also such a fun. It's such a fun to actually start to create and deliver it just within days, or maybe even one day. It is great fun to have it and it works 100% For me. I'm using it for 12 years creating everything I want and it always works. So, please, if you want to learn how to do that, you can contact me. I think there is my website here and I'm all over the place there. Just contact me if you want to really have a little bit of help with that. I'm always happy to help you to get into your unique expression of who you are, because you are unique expression of divine plan and that divine plan is only for you. You just need to step and start to take first steps into that and you'll be blown away by the power that you have and by the ability to create the life beyond your wildest imaginations. Thank you so much. I'll talk to you next week.