The Heart Of Success Podcast
This podcast is about sharing a personal self-healing experience with the spontaneous remission that inspires high achieving women heal their bodies, transform their lives and evolve their consciousness.
Larisa's profound holistic healing of breast cancer led her to create teachings that have helped countless women to see what is truly possible, to connect to their power, to experience a state of being vibrantly alive, happy and fulfilled. Her experience shares the significance and power of spiritual intelligence, inner wisdom and inbuilt capacity to self- heal.
From restless high achieving business woman to a happy, fulfilled and holistically wealthy person, Larisa helps women to get to the root cause of a lifestyle illnesses and "heal their identity".
This is an opportunity to redefine what success means to you, to connect deeply with others who share your journey, and to inspire those who are silently struggling with the same "The Hustle-Happiness Paradox". If you're ready to voice your experiences and contribute to a meaningful conversation about achieving a harmonious blend of professional success and personal fulfilment, we'd be honoured to have you as our special guest.
Let's inspire a new definition of success together. Reach out to me, and let your story be the beacon for women on the path to authentic fulfilment.
Just a quick reminder: The tips and insights we share on this show are for general informational and educational purposes only and aren't a substitute for professional medical advice. We're not doctors or health professionals, and we strongly recommend that you consult with a healthcare provider for any health-related questions or before making lifestyle changes based on our discussions. By tuning in to this podcast, you agree not to use our content as medical advice.
The Heart Of Success Podcast
Journey to Self-Discovery and Emotional Balance
Unlock the secrets of your true self and transform your life by breaking free from the character constructs that hold you back. Join me, Larissa Vakulina, on the Heart of Success show as we explore how these subconscious defense mechanisms, rooted in both childhood and past life experiences, shape our reality and obscure our genuine selves. We'll uncover the habitual reactions that create patterns of withdrawal, aggression, or appeasement and learn to dismantle these barriers to reveal the compassionate and creative beings we truly are. Embarking on this journey of self-discovery, you will be empowered to embrace your authentic potential and live from a place of divine creative power.
This episode promises a transformative experience as we guide you through the process of identifying and breaking the five types of character constructs that influence your life. As we delve into the cyclical emotional reactions that keep us stuck, you'll gain insights into achieving a state of balanced homeostasis. Stay tuned as I introduce my upcoming six-week program, "From Realized to Reset Path," designed to support your journey in dismantling these barriers and stepping into your true self. Transform your life, not from a place of defense, but from the heart of genuine, creative potential. Don't miss this opportunity to begin your path to self-knowledge and liberation.
Welcome to "The Heart of Success," where we redefine success with Larisa Vakulina – a multi-awarded entrepreneur, healer, and mentor.
Feeling unfulfilled despite your achievements? Larisa knows your journey. Each week, she shares powerful insights to help you blend professional success with personal fulfillment. Through her unique blend of business strategies and spiritual principles, you'll discover your true self and build a heart-aligned life.
Ready to transform your life?
Thank you for tuning in to "The Heart of Success"! If you enjoyed today’s episode, don’t forget to subscribe and share it with your friends. Let's spread the word and help more people find true fulfillment.
For more tips and resources, join my newsletter at LarisaVakulina.com. Stay connected, stay inspired, and remember, your success starts from the heart. Until next time, keep thriving and shining!
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Take The Happiness and Abundance Persona Style Quiz to find out what is your Happiness and Abundance Potential!
Hello everyone and happy Wednesday. You are on the Heart of Success show and I'm your host, larissa Vakulina. I go live every Wednesday at 2 pm, south Australian time zone and here on this show I'm trying to uncover all the deepest parts of ourselves, how we can learn about ourselves a bit more, understand ourselves and have that self-knowledge that can help us to create more success in our life and in all areas of our life. So today I decided to give you a little bit more deeper overview on how we create in our characters and how our characters are actually a road map of who we are not, because really a lot of people justifying themselves saying, well, this is my character, this is who I am and that's unchangeable. And these people are vicious, cycling through their experiences of life and basically they just justify themselves through using that character identity. That is basically blocking ourselves from becoming and finding who you really are. So, as you know, everything is energy, energy is consciousness, so we are energy consciousness and everything around us is energy consciousness, so our energy consciousness system or our field goes into the defense when it cannot accommodate more than the maximum level of power, so when we are actually out of balance or when we are feeling, in the emotional reaction or when we are in some sort of unstable situation, the energy that runs through our field is increasing and eventually it breaks a defense, like a circuit breakage, right. So each time you fall into the emotional reaction and each time you are somehow defending against some, some illusionary threat or some kind of confronting situation, you're running a risk to actually break your energy consciousness system and you run the risk that your circuit breakage will fall into that defensive mechanism, the defensive reaction, right. It becomes so automatic and so habitual that we don't even notice that. So the habits of defending yourself in the challenging or conflicting situations create character construct, right?
Speaker 1:That character construct then show up in our life in every area of what we do, how we behave, how we think, and basically that character construct is something that is protecting and defending against some kind of illusionary threat or even the direct threat. But normally our character we're living with that every day. We're meeting people, we're talking, we're discussing, we're doing things, and of course we have some sort of disagreements and we have some sort of challenging situations where then our character start to play the role defending our soft center, our truthfulness of who we are, that wound, that trauma that we went through when we've been children, and the origin of the wound is actually not go to our childhood experiences and the childhood pains, but it goes deeper than that. It goes into the phenomena called past lifehoods, right so? And we create the character construct exactly to protect that soft pain of that wound and we keep vicious cycling through the experiences of everyday life by facing, you know, confronting situations, and we have that character structure that is defending and creating the survival mechanism so that our soft center of that wound is not exposed.
Speaker 1:But in reality, the wound is actually your greatest gift. This is the gift you came here to express into the world and the world needs your gift. How can you express your gift if, by creating your character construct, you're completely protecting and defending that place in yourself of your energy field that is not able to accommodate the increased and distorted energy that you're running each time when you actually fall into the emotional reaction? So character construct then become something who you are not. It rather becomes something who you are not. It rather becomes you know it's not truly who you are. It becomes a very good and clean handle of how you can, a clean handle and a roadmap of how you are not being who you are. It is a habitual pattern of how you distort your energy flow within your energy field and then express it deeply, believing that this is all there is for you and this is who you are. And you're not even considering that having your having exploration or examination of your character construct or your character, will actually give you so much insight and so much of information about who you've been pretending to be all your life.
Speaker 1:So I'm really inviting you to look at this tool. It's the greatest tool that you can have for opening up the. I call it the treasure chest. Open up that treasure chest of who you really are. But the roadmap is your character, your character construct, and there is five types and categories of the character constructs that all of us adopt. So some people are defending themselves in the challenging situations by withdrawing themselves from that. Other people are defending and protecting by attacking. Other people are defending and protecting themselves by appeasing to other people's opinions or ideas, and all of this is really a construct of your structure, of the pattern of your defense that is covering your true self. So your character is actually not who you are, it's rather who you are not.
Speaker 1:And by learning and exploring this area of your self, can give you a very precise and very, very clear picture of how you are covering your true self through this character defensive mechanisms and patterns. Right, so your greatest gift is behind your character. So when you start to explore and when you start to dig deeper into that treasure chest of your character construct, you will be amazed what you will find behind that character defensive mechanism. You will find that brilliant you, the powerful, strong, curious, creative, compassionate, loving, amazing, awesome and super intelligent and intuitive you that is actually having within yourself all the time in your wound of the childhood consciousness, but because the thickness of your character construct is defending and protecting that place so urgently, so strongly, that you're not having a chance to meet your true self. So, in order for you to start to open up that treasure chest of your brilliance, you need to start to look at your character construct type and start to unwind all of these defensive patterns and mechanisms that you're using to gloss over the pain, the soft pain, of the childhood consciousness. And once you start to dig through this character defensive patterns and mechanisms, you will be amazed who you will find there.
Speaker 1:So I invite you to consider to attend my program that I am creating. It's a six-week program called From Realized to Reset Path, and one of the lessons of this path is the treasure chest quest, which is exactly dealing with the character structure of your defensive mechanism. And by going through the quizzes and answer all the questions honestly, you will find your category of your character construct and then you will unwind and deconstruct that character. That's going to open up the brilliance of who you are. And this process requires commitment, it requires desire to know yourself much better than you are knowing yourself now and start to redefine yourself from that identification with your character and become, identify yourself with the reality of who you are. And the reality of who you are is the most powerful divine creator of your life, the most powerful being on this planet.
Speaker 1:And so when you start to deconstruct your character and start to see the map and the road of how you actually read, how you stole your own reality from yourself, how you glossed over and cover up of who you really are with that character construct, you will be really happy with discovery, will be really happy with discovery and you will break that vicious cycle of going into the emotional reaction, have the breakage of your circuit and then you will touch that soft pain and you will contract and you will run away again from yourself from processing the blocks, from healing this destructive character pattern and defenses.
Speaker 1:You will finally return back again into that imbalanced hemostasis and until next time you run again into the emotional reaction and run that risk to activate the circuit of the breakage of your energy field deeper into your character and find which character construct you actually adopted out of five of them.
Speaker 1:This is one of my lessons in my upcoming six-week program that will be helping and assisting you and guiding you through the process of discovering who you really are and how you then can reset and recreate your life from that powerful place of your divine creative power rather than from that vicious cycles of defensive character construct. So thank you so much for being with me here today and I will come back again next week to give you some more tips on my program. And I just will give you a little bit of a snapshot on the program and what it is involved and how it is developing, so that you can have at least some idea of what this program can give you and how and who you can become and how your life can be improved if you take this course. Thank you so much.