The Heart Of Success Podcast
This podcast is about sharing a personal self-healing experience with the spontaneous remission that inspires high achieving women heal their bodies, transform their lives and evolve their consciousness.
Larisa's profound holistic healing of breast cancer led her to create teachings that have helped countless women to see what is truly possible, to connect to their power, to experience a state of being vibrantly alive, happy and fulfilled. Her experience shares the significance and power of spiritual intelligence, inner wisdom and inbuilt capacity to self- heal.
From restless high achieving business woman to a happy, fulfilled and holistically wealthy person, Larisa helps women to get to the root cause of a lifestyle illnesses and "heal their identity".
This is an opportunity to redefine what success means to you, to connect deeply with others who share your journey, and to inspire those who are silently struggling with the same "The Hustle-Happiness Paradox". If you're ready to voice your experiences and contribute to a meaningful conversation about achieving a harmonious blend of professional success and personal fulfilment, we'd be honoured to have you as our special guest.
Let's inspire a new definition of success together. Reach out to me, and let your story be the beacon for women on the path to authentic fulfilment.
Just a quick reminder: The tips and insights we share on this show are for general informational and educational purposes only and aren't a substitute for professional medical advice. We're not doctors or health professionals, and we strongly recommend that you consult with a healthcare provider for any health-related questions or before making lifestyle changes based on our discussions. By tuning in to this podcast, you agree not to use our content as medical advice.
The Heart Of Success Podcast
Finding Fulfillment Through Inner Alignment
Join us for a transformative conversation on the Heart of Success show with Nancy, a distinguished life strategist with over 26 years of experience. Discover how balancing professional achievements with personal fulfillment can lead to a more holistic path to success. Nancy shares her personal journey, offering insight into how stress and negative thought patterns can impact our well-being, and encourages a shift away from traditional success metrics towards a more nurturing approach to life.
We'll uncover the hidden impact of unresolved childhood traumas on our health and discuss the universal experience of fear. By comparing human experiences with the natural birthing process of animals, we invite listeners to consider how these fears often manifest in adulthood. Nancy highlights the importance of addressing these root causes with a spiritual perspective, emphasizing the power of self-reflection and self-care strategies in distinguishing between burnout, depression, and overwhelming emotions.
Finally, we explore the concept of alignment and the art of pivoting in one's career to achieve true fulfillment. Nancy discusses the necessity of aligning personal and organizational values and the profound impact of mentorship and support systems on our path to success. With gratitude, we conclude with exciting possibilities for future collaborations, including a potential masterclass at our wellness center, inviting you to join us on this journey towards a balanced, successful life.
Welcome to "The Heart of Success," where we redefine success with Larisa Vakulina – a multi-awarded entrepreneur, healer, and mentor.
Feeling unfulfilled despite your achievements? Larisa knows your journey. Each week, she shares powerful insights to help you blend professional success with personal fulfillment. Through her unique blend of business strategies and spiritual principles, you'll discover your true self and build a heart-aligned life.
Ready to transform your life?
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Hello everyone, happy Wednesday. You are on the Heart of Success show and I'm your host, larisa Vakulina. I go live every Wednesday at 2 pm, south Australian time zone and here on this show I'm sharing with you different tips, tools, motivation, inspiration how you can build your life with holistic success and just pass through all the hassles of the conventional success and live your life with happiness, fulfillment and joy. Today I have a very, very, very special guest for you. You're going to be blown away by this lady. She is a distinguished life strategist. She is a clarity messenger and a state-of-mind specialist with over 26 years of experience guiding individuals towards holistic success. So we are on the same page. We're passionate about our topic.
Speaker 1:So throughout her illustrious career, nancy has empowered over 10,000 clients, including C-suite executives, mid-level managers and business owners, to navigate the intricate balance between professional achievement and personal fulfillment. So today we're going to really change your life. We're going to share with you a different approach to success, because most of the people are caught up in running success race and really forgetting about that internal feeling of the happiness and fulfillment. So today, nancy is going to share with you her own personal experience of moving through the hardship and challenges of life and also how. Now she's guiding a lot of successful people to do the same. She's closing that gap between that professional achievements and the personal happiness. So, nancy, can you please share with us what inspired you behind your journey as a life strategist and state of mind specialist?
Speaker 2:First and foremost, thank you for inviting me today. It's my honor indeed. Well, I've been there once upon a time too. I am just like many of us described ourselves as a high performing professional. All right, or high achievers. That means we go for our goals. You know, we set a goal and then we stay on the path and whatever it takes for us, we get there. That is great, right.
Speaker 2:It is important that we stretch our potential and fulfill our heart desires. However, sometimes we become too focused that you know what I always call it, like a horse wearing blinkers, so you don't see anything else so-called except in front of you. While it sounds all good being focused, but being a human, it is way more than just fulfilling that goals, because it is not linear, it is not a straight line, it is not, like you know, producing a mark. It's not straightforward like that, right? Okay, so we have our spiritual self. We have many different roles that we play, right, and so often this may be overlooked or even altogether not even entertained. When that happens, all right, that we are so focused on only one thing, or fairly much one thing, other aspects of our life will fall to the sideways.
Speaker 1:Absolutely.
Speaker 2:Yes, and one of the things that can fall to the sideways is our health.
Speaker 1:Yes, I know too well about it. Nancy, tell me more. I mean, I've been there myself in a very, very deep illness crisis and all the other crises, so I know exactly what you're talking about. But I think we really need to share with other people because some of successful, really successful people they are still running that race and they don't really see that yet and I don't want them to see it.
Speaker 2:So we are here to share with them that painful state yeah, technically speaking, unless somebody is born with a health ailment, all right. For example, somebody born with a hole in the heart, born with some kind of you know, rare, you know kind of disease know, rare, you know kind of disease all right, unless, unless somebody's born with that. If we are not born with any health ailments, I personally believe and it's not a personal belief, although I express it that way it is a fact that we, our body, is born robust, strong. Yeah, keep us going for a long time.
Speaker 2:But, the big. But when our life is not going the ideal way, all right, then something will give way. How does that happen? In the most simplistic understanding, right, our brain produces natural chemical. So how does this natural chemical comes about? Whether it's good chemical or bad chemical is from the way we think and from the way we think. Way we think and from the way we think, then it goes into the way we feel. So, in the most simplistic understanding feel good good chemical, feel bad, bad chemical. Therefore, when our brain produces good chemical, we are really robust and born to last and we are healthy, good to go at any one time.
Speaker 2:But when our brain start to produce bad chemicals, then you will attack our organs, our systems. And perhaps you know our new cells. We always have new cells growth, obviously, you know, granted at a different period of time, that the new cells grow may not be such ideal cells, so not good cells. So, therefore, accumulation of not so good cells can then become cancerous cells, the most simplistic thing to understand that. So therefore, our health can be taken a toll. And then, of course, course, relationship with our family or friends, or even with oneself.
Speaker 2:Right, what a typical thing that a lot of these high achievers, high performing professionals, all right, they actually have all the success, understand, okay, call it. Yeah, the power, the title, the, the money, everything all right that they have, but yet they feel the void, the emptiness. They cannot even put their finger down as what it is, because if they're going to start talking about it, then it sounds they are very ungrateful. You know what I mean. You've got everything. What are you complaining? Right, but it is still real. They are not feeling good within Emptiness and they wake up to, okay, sure, you know the crazy rat race and go, go, go go, but at the end of the day, for what Wealth is important? Sure, all right, I've never not said important, but that can't be the only thing. But after you have built your wealth, adding another zero does not make a person happier.
Speaker 1:No, that's it. This is the paradox we live in, right, and that's what's really happening everywhere. Where we're still living in this space of competing, we want to climb that ladder and just want to achieve all these ticks. We put ticks for the roles and positions and how much money we earn and things. It's like for me. I lived it. I always felt something is missing, but I never paid attention to it. I actually turned away from it and that's then accumulated into huge blow up, right. So I really would like to hear your story, Like you seems like, not only through education. Get into that point, right, you have your own story behind. How did you understand it all? How did you awake and had the awareness of that? You know I need to look at these areas beyond my success. I just need to really look at that. Can you share that with us please?
Speaker 2:I'm glad it started early for me. All right, as I mentioned, you know, I'm one of those high performers, right? How are those high achievers? So, at a very young age, as like 25, 26, I already have achieved success as that young person. But then there was a hell scare. There was a hell scare, all right, at somewhere I think 26 or 27, thereabout, okay, a cyst was discovered and I went nine years because I don't even have a pimple on my face as a teenager. How can I resist? Yes, this is in my womb, and that's funny for a young person. All right, that was so long ago we are talking about 30 odd years ago and, um, so I was like in a denier, right? So when I was in, I was inier for two years. Then, after two years, I said, hey, you know, let me not muck around. I went for second checkup and by then it has grown. The disease has grown so huge, so huge, yeah, Like the biggest abalone you can find in Australia.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we found the in Australia.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we found a second one. Wow, yes, exactly, feel good good chemical. Feel bad, bad chemical. And I recalled at a time I'm always angry, I'm always pissed off because you know how we got, we want to get things done and that kind of thing. So obviously my brain produces cortisol. So you know, no wonder that's growth, okay.
Speaker 2:So thank goodness it was not cancerous, because at that point they said they cannot, it's not so advanced, so they are not able to tell if it's cancerous or not. They have to, you know, remove it. Then they have to diagnose it, but in the midst of removing it, you know, if they find it is cancerous, they have to remove my entire womb. Now, at 27, you don't want to hear that. You know what I mean. Well, thank goodness it was cancerous and then it was good. You know it was benign and uh, that was my wake-up call. Yeah, so, uh, that's why I said I'm glad it.
Speaker 2:You know it came early for me, at 28, and therefore that changed my path, that I became spiritual, and spiritual is not religious. It's not about religion, all right, it's about the energy, the universe. You know it's going to be, you know, much bigger than we know here between our years? Yes, absolutely More than our education. And all that so that I took on a different path. I still remember I went to Bali a lot. Oh, those days Bali was different. You're talking about 35, 38 years ago.
Speaker 1:You know when the spiritual and in fact I became even more successful after I became spiritual, absolutely, because that's how it works when you connect to this field, when you feel the part of yourself in the tapestry of the whole creation, and then you actually start to honor yourself, like you start to really get inside and say, okay, what do what do I want in my life, how do I want to leave it right? And that's where they start to get more success. Yeah, well, that's. And then what's happened next? Like you then, uh, you then look at writing book or how did all of your um you know stepping into the role of the powerful strategist? How did you start to do the life, um you know, coaching or life strategies for other people? Is that happened back when you've been young or there was some time?
Speaker 2:so the approach become different. So it's not all about being so material, it's not no, in in that so-called let's call it the textbook way of success. Yeah, but rather, like I said in a more, not only just holistic, but in the sense of your being okay, your well-being is the core of it all. Right, and then I always like to believe that the universe always here to provide and support you. Just get to into this alignment and it's not about being self-centered or about me, me, me, me, me, me, me, but how can I serve the greater good? So when it happened that you're serving the greater good, all right. I mean, more happens. So many people have talked about it. So until a person experiences it themselves, right, like yourself, Otherwise it's so hard to describe it in words.
Speaker 2:I know Exactly. So things are swooning planes and the whole approach is different. There are more meaning, there are fulfillment. So one of the things obviously we have to look at first what is our life Purpose? And life purpose A can't be just to raise our Family. It's our responsibility, anybody's responsible. They have got family. But it cannot be the life purpose. Life purpose can't be. It's our responsibility, all right, anybody's responsible.
Speaker 2:They have got family, but it cannot be the life purpose. Life purpose can't be, you know, being at the top of your game. That cannot be a life purpose, right? Yes, life purpose first has to come from values, absolutely your personal values, your core values, and then from the core values right, what I call it, the activities you choose to do so. For example, I choose to be a singer. I call it activity, but with my life purpose, that I'm using, then, this singing as a vehicle to expound my life purpose. Or somebody could be an engineer, right? Somebody could be a teacher, right? So the activity is what we choose, but there's no meaning, it's just a role, if we don't have the life purpose.
Speaker 1:That's it, yeah.
Speaker 2:So that's how I do my work with that life purpose, and that's still not enough. After a life purpose and then you know how to expound it through inverted comma the activity, the vehicle you know, call that then you got to go for the greater good of what I call the higher purpose. Yeah, so when you're aligned with all these three aspects of it, all right, every day is rock and roll.
Speaker 1:Absolutely. It's like you're riding the wave. Yes, absolutely. It is all obvious right now, but still a lot of people are still not seeing it, they're not feeling it, they're not going through this transformation. They still cling to that old paradigm of fearing to lose whatever they already get, and this is really like not serving them. It just stays as a barrier or the hustle for them to actually transform.
Speaker 1:So how do you I mean I know you're working with the C-suite executives and the high profile people and I found myself because I work with the same type of clients it is a little harder for these people to actually accept that they are missing something. I was there myself. I was missing something, but I couldn't nail it. I was there myself. I was missing something, but I couldn't nail it. I couldn't really nail it what it is and how. Yet alone to go and find some help. I didn't even. I didn't really. I thought that I'm weak if I go and look for help, and that's what a lot of successful people perceive Like. They think they're weak if they go and ask for help. How do you um navigate this type of things usually?
Speaker 2:just everything else. Okay, it's kind of interesting. Prevention is better than cure. But most times it's not a case All right, it's only when the person have the pain the pain could come from. Example, anxiety attack, anxiety, panic attack. Right, the stress becomes so intense, right, they're having this heart palpitation. They're going to the A&E often, but yet the doctor says nothing wrong with you. Okay, but they're getting all this of ailments or they suffer from insomnia, eczema, hypertension, so something has to be, something has to be no good. First that happened. Then you say, okay, now I seek help, something has to be no good.
Speaker 1:First that happened, then it's like okay, now I seek help. That's exactly how.
Speaker 2:So that's where they will come to me and obviously you know I would deep dive. The first thing we ought to do is to know the root cause, not the superficial thing. All right, of course, all of us comes from different background, but nevertheless, uh, it's universal that the root cause often comes from our childhood. Not as an adult, okay, unless it's some kind of trauma that happened, okay, uh, near-death experience, that kind of trauma, you know, some sort. But otherwise the root cause is always coming from childhood.
Speaker 2:And I'm not trying to imply that a child has to be bad or violent not necessary, not necessarily that way but because as a child, uh, our, we are not developed yet to analyze. So therefore, whatever that we experience from the outside, some of things may have stronger energy than others. Of course, in this case it's not the positive energy and has an impact on the child's vibration. So, vibrationally, the child takes that in. I call that. It becomes a chip, chip, a chip. So of course, life goes on and you just go about in life until something happened, it sort of triggered something happened as an adult, it triggered that chip, it triggered that root cause and, if anything else, as human being, of course we are all human being, but I often tell my clients I said we are a spiritual being having a human experience. We are not a human on Mother Earth to fulfill whatever we are supposed to fulfill here.
Speaker 2:all right. So therefore, having the human experience is good. However, that child does not know better because it's not, you know, made to analyze yet. So when I deep dive into the root cause, therefore the root cause, when the subconscious mind and the conscious mind so-called know where that comes from, 50, 60% of it is kind of ah, yes, it's aha moment, exactly the aha moment, all right. So, for example, what a typical thing is? All I'd like to believe is all humans, we are programmed fear.
Speaker 1:Yes, fear yes.
Speaker 2:Like I said, you know you look at animals when they give birth. They just give birth so naturally and quiet.
Speaker 1:Yes, Quiet, peaceful, gave birth so naturally and and quiet yes, quiet, peaceful, only human is like such a trauma. It's. It's a trauma for the mother and it's a trauma for the child and then all this, uh, traumatic experience plays such a vital role in developing all of these limitations, the fears, the doubts, the things. It's like it takes all life to unravel all of these things, unless you guys meet, nancy, or me by the way, name here is not mine. I noticed it's my son's name there, but that's okay, nancy, you continue to talk and tell me how can professionals identify and overcome feelings of stagnation or burnout in their careers.
Speaker 1:This is really very controversial for many people because a lot of people don't know how to identify if they are burnt out or they depressed or they, you know, having this overwhelming feelings. They, you know, most of the people just are really confused about um, this, this state, and they just drag it forever, hoping that it's going to go away by itself, but it never does. So how you um look at this and how do you, you know, recommend and what you do with you know, sure as I mentioned early on.
Speaker 2:Right, often, right, I get into the root cause and then it is coming from that child, all right, so so all this burnout and all this is also coming from that root cause. If you think about the work that we do, right, we do the work that we know how to do. We are not doing work that we don't know how to do right, Just like somebody have got say fear of public speaking, or suddenly go into a panic mode.
Speaker 2:They're saying things, they're speaking on subjects that they know about. They can't possibly talk on a subject they don't know about right. So how is it suddenly? You know there could be a point that they just suddenly freeze, or they feel uncomfortable, or they become tense, or the workload is so much you know they get burnout Because, think about it, how do you eat an elephant? Correct, we know, know that. So what is there to be so overwhelmed about? So the overwhelming is not conscious, it's subconscious it's subconscious.
Speaker 1:I know that's the. That's the reason we cannot access it. It seems like we cannot, but it actually sits on the edge. If we only have the intention to do to have this work, we we can actually access it quite easily. I'm trying to work out all my display here, but, nancy, stay with me. I'm so sorry. This is the name of my son here for some reason. So I'm not sure why, uh, and why it is a my colors, but I cannot really work out the name. Anyway, it doesn't matter, my audience knows me and they will recognize. But the son was doing his own recording in my studio and changed the name and I didn't notice it anyway.
Speaker 1:So, yes, we, we we're talking about really, really deep issues and we talk about the core root of of all the conflicts, of all the you know suffering, of all the pains of uh, all the uh push and pull like we. We almost like going through the some sort of uh sickness of the barrier and we're pushing and pulling so hard. I don't believe that people are created to do this. We create to enjoy our lives and actually receive what the universe is bringing to us in a very relaxed state, right, right, so I know you've been in your work. You pay a lot of attention to, you know boundaries, setting the self-care and the work-life balance, and this is something that people know a lot. They talk about it. It's stylish to talk about all of these things, but do we really embody these practices? How do you? What is your approach about it?
Speaker 2:One thing that we all ought to do, especially as we aged. The only thing that we can do I mean, all of us, face is right is getting older. Nobody gets younger, so it's not a negative thing, all right, it is a positive thing.
Speaker 2:I love getting older, so in any case, the one thing that I do often and I coach my clients and whether you know one-on-one or my group coaching I say the one thing that we must do regularly is introspection, self-reflection. All right, I do quick self-reflection every night, just a quick one, like what did I do today? Okay, for example, tonight I'm going to think about okay, you know, with Larissa I just go through very quickly, all right. And to do that, you know, just going through my day is just to have a check. If there's something I need to do, some correction. I don't want to wait for days and weeks because you'll be forgotten Some correction and then. So therefore, the next day you'll become better. Then, on a regular basis whether it could be a weekly or monthly, depending on the person's schedule then do self-reflection with your life purpose. Are you on track? Are you off track?
Speaker 2:you know how some of us get so busy, busy and then we just get off track yes, yes yes, right, and sometimes maybe we have a family member that is not well or get caught up with some events, and then we just get you know, you know, just just go astray, so-called so, on a fairly regular, whether weekly or monthly, right, go check um, do a self reflection. All right, that, yes, are you still on a path with your life purpose? All right, that's something that you got away from it, or that's something that you have added to it? Or some adjustments, some amendments, because life is dynamic, it's not static. Yeah, we don't have to wait for the year, and that set goes for next year.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that's how the common thing is Like let's have the new year resolution.
Speaker 2:You don't have to wait again. It should be a regular basis and of course we can. I mean, like tonight, in fact, not even tonight. Already about two weeks ago, with my group, we restarted our goal setting for 2025. But then I'm looking at like the breakthrough. Don't do the same thing, you know, increase the numbers or whatever, but what's the breakthrough that you want? So you need a life purpose, a higher purpose, but what's the breakthrough? What's your next? And next is not just about making the big bucks. I mean, if you want to go ahead, that's fine, you know, but it got to be a more holistic, a more comprehensive and again, I always like to believe that, you know, is that to serve others.
Speaker 1:Absolutely.
Speaker 2:So, like my life purpose, you know, is to serve with love and truth. So empower others to live their life meaningfully, purposefully and in fulfillment.
Speaker 1:Absolutely yes.
Speaker 2:That's what I do.
Speaker 1:It's beautiful. It's beautiful when we actually transform this energetic construct behind, like racing after success, or we're serving to achieve success with others together and serve them to achieve their success. See the difference, the energetic difference from just racing and doing and actually serving. So it's a really two different energetic background behind this concept, because they don't understand the energetic basis behind their actions and behind the materialistic expression, right? So, yeah, fantastic. I love that, because this really is something that we're moving all together. The transformation has already started.
Speaker 1:We all need to really pay attention to it because, if you will be staying behind, well, the world is moving. A lot of awakened people, leaders, successful people moving forward with understanding the self better, to tap into this inner genius and start express it in a true sense of it with open heart, right? So now I would like to really ask you about practical tools, because we talk about more about general concept and how the tendency of current world, where it's moving and how we understand these concepts and things. But let's move into the practical tips and tools and maybe methods, whatever you have to share with audience and also maybe you want to invite them into your, you know whatever on offer. I know you have books.
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:Here I'm going to share Nancy's website. Go there, there's heaps of valuable things. You can just see books there. You can see programs and workshops and things, and she's amazing. There you can see programs and workshops and things, and she's amazing. Uh, just go and check it up because you're really gonna be so, um, surprised how, how she's approaching it all and how she can, in a simple terms, to explain to you how you can create holistic success.
Speaker 2:Thank you. Yeah, as I said earlier on, first is the introspection, all right, so it's the self-reflection. Okay, you want that. That's already a very practical tool. And then next, all right, you need self-care. My self-care is number one, it's above everything else, because I said if I'm no good, I'm no good for anybody, of course, yeah. Else, because I said if I'm no good, I'm no good for anybody. Yeah, so I know why.
Speaker 2:Yes, we talk about serving others and being with others, but we got to be good, so we got to be good as our self-care all right, and self-care, obviously very basic things, but critical. It's like you know we already know what is what diet is. We don't have to go for a special diet, but we really know what's not good for us. Don't go there, right, knowing that sugar is not good. Why go there, right, even do that? You know what I mean. We don't need to be a health fanatic, but this is you just jolly.
Speaker 2:I know what's not good, right? We know we need to exercise two very basic and you but critical, and you cannot remove this away from the body, because the physical body is the vehicle that allow us to fulfill what we want. It's just like we want to go from point a to point B, we need a vehicle, otherwise we can't get there. So our physical body is our vehicle. So, of course, the self-care besides the food intake and the exercise is here. What are you thinking about most times? And it's not about positive thinking, negative thinking. Are your thoughts serving you Most times? And it's not about positive thinking, negative thinking.
Speaker 1:Are your thoughts serving?
Speaker 2:you Okay? Are your thoughts not serving you Okay? Or are you getting too serious with random thoughts that are just random anyway?
Speaker 1:It's like a clutter it comes and goes, comes and goes. But we can train our mind as we train. Dogs, like in the mind can be trained right. So then we can. We can start to really transform this cluttered thinking into much more positive, intentional, how you want to see your life, and that you can do it with your mind.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I just had a client last night, all right, so he's quite a high position in the bank. And then he says I've got mixed feelings today. You know he walked in. I've got mixed feelings today. I said, ok, tell me about your mixed feeling. He says, on one hand, I'm very pleased with myself that I cracked through some stuff. That is tough right, because he's into this high net worth credit borrowing, you know stuff like that. Okay, so he has to crack this.
Speaker 2:But he got so pissed off with his boss. Okay, although he's got his high up there, he still have a boss, all right, that wants him to do X, y, z instead of A, b, c and da, da, da, all that. So he got really pissed off that. Why are they expecting? How can a leader behave this way? And he went on and on about it and I just sat there. I was very calm just looking at him, just waiting for him to finish. And then, when he's done, I said he got careless. And he looked at me what you got personal? Again, he got careless as he became personal with his boss. You think your boss is trying to be funny with you? He's just doing what he's supposed to do.
Speaker 1:That's it.
Speaker 2:So he's thinking all right, it's like the boss is just trying to be funny with him making life difficult for him. You got my point, so just what I mean is your thoughts serving you? Yes, so where did that come from? Again, childhood, childhood. His parents were busy working, so he created a narrative in his head that his parents just did not.
Speaker 1:Don't love him, don't you know? That's what parents always do.
Speaker 2:Yeah, did not care enough. They care for their business more than they care for me. So he created a narrative. So, although nothing bad happened in his childhood, but he created it as a child, so when he grew up as an adult, it's very easy for him to become personal with anything. Even when he drives on the road and somebody cut his lane, he get personal. It's as if that driver is trying to be funny with him. This is just how this person drives. I'm not saying he's good, but then you know he gets personal. So when I managed to like check in with his thoughts.
Speaker 1:They went like oh yeah, yeah, it's like nothing. I mean, where are we put our energy into just whinging and, uh, you know, resenting and blaming and things. It's so much energy instead of you know what. That's okay, he's doing his own things. I'm going to do my things better and I'm going to do my thing, that's all.
Speaker 2:You see, all of our feelings is coming from thoughts created in the moment, thoughts created in the moment. So if we don't pay attention to some of these thoughts that are not relevant, you go away, or we change the certain thoughts. That which I did with him, all right. Then he said oh yeah, I just got personal. Actually, you know, felt so peaceful, and he texted me after that, when he left, he says my goodness, I was singing while I was walking by a car. Yes, you see, just that shift itself, you can call that already a transformation. Yeah, so these are the stuff they do. And, of course, the next thing is integration. One has to integrate personal satisfaction, or personal fulfillment, with professional success.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:All right If you find that your professional success is really not giving you any joy, for whatever reason. Okay, I don't get personal anybody here. All right, really, that's not all right. Even how you change your thoughts and all that's not, then it means there's no alignment time to change that. There's always something somewhere. I mean, I always say it's never enough.
Speaker 1:That was my next question, like what are some key signs that indicate it might be time for career pivot or transition? Is this something that you also can see in clients, Because sometimes people just put so much struggling in their roles? Yes, but they just the thought didn't come to their mind to start to look at maybe changing, because the fear of change is another thing, yeah.
Speaker 2:So you see, I would say it's not about the job match, I'm sorry. It's not about a job description, sorry. It's not about a job description. It's about a job description Sorry.
Speaker 1:It's not about a job description.
Speaker 2:It's about a job match, yeah, okay. So the match, uh uh, the culture, all right, but it your values, your value and the you know organization values, right. The whole attitude, right. All that has to have a match. There must be a certain alignment. Sure, we are all different in our own way, but there must be a certain kind of alignment. But if there's no alignment and the gap is so huge, then it's really you have to look elsewhere, because it's only going to make you sick, it's not going to get better. The gap is going to get wider, wider, wider, wider, wider. It's not going to get better.
Speaker 1:The gap is going to get wider wider, wider, wider, wider.
Speaker 2:It's not going to get better. Yeah. So then of course, we all have our skills right. Look into your skills, look into you know what's your next. We don't always have to do the same thing. I mean, I was just telling him to.
Speaker 2:You know the other thing I was also moving. My client was like you know, to the next level, uh, and I said he says I've been doing this for so long, right? I said yes, it's good to be vertical, right depth, but we can also be vertical and pivot. That's it. Yes, for example, I've been a national swimmer, right, I swim for the country and, you know, maybe I'm even an Olympic swimmer. Okay, I won the Olympic gold. It doesn't mean I'm even an Olympic swimmer. I won the Olympic gold. It doesn't mean I have to be a swimmer all my life, right, yes, with my technique and my skills as a swimmer, how can I pivot? I'm not necessarily, now I go do and become an F&B entrepreneur. No, all right, but it's still the same thing. How can I pivot, bringing the wealth, you know, of the experiences and the skills and all of that?
Speaker 1:So I think, a lot of people Utilizing all the resources of the past, but pivot in bringing all of this goodness and goodness and all the experiences into something new. It's such an adventure, the life is such an adventure, and why don't we just play? I mean, this is really something, and especially successful people. They actually can afford themselves to play and see how much they can enrich their lives with just being a little bit more open To say, okay, everything is possible.
Speaker 2:Yes, You're right, it's really about being open. So a lot of them will just drag their feet until retirement. No, wait till retirement. You know, I mean I don't know't know, you know what I mean. So again, you know, it's just really knowing how to pivot. Yeah, that that would be nice.
Speaker 1:wow, that that was really really good um discussion here. And you see, guys, nancy, she's so knowledgeable, she is having these unique skills to actually go deeper into your psychology, into your spiritual being, into your um. You know skills that are here on the surface and she can actually see through it and she can start to to really guide you through all of these little blocks and things that you may not even imagine that they exist. So you have your focus, like you said. I like that. You know comparison with a horse. But really go to Nancy's website, check it out. She's got beautiful video there.
Speaker 1:I was in love with this video. It really, in one minute, give a absolute clarity of what nancy is doing and what she's capable of. And uh, that's, that's just brilliant um, internationally recognized woman that worked with high-profile achievers, with the performance and performance people, and she really fixed them. So if you guys thinking that it's time for you to start to look at your life and start to really pivot or have some sort of guidance and support, well, nancy is your first stop, or maybe me. We're both here to help you to recognize that success is not only money, roles, positions and all the external symbols of the success, it's more that internal state of feeling and being, because, for me, anywhere I go, I take my holistic success with me, I'm always at peace, I'm joyful, I'm happy anywhere I go, without being dependent on what's happening externally from me. And I can see Nancy is the same, because she already achieved that success inside. She connected to her core essence, and that's what we need to learn from these people.
Speaker 1:We are, of course, surrounded by many, many coaches and mentors, and you name it. There's so many experts right now, but what I believe is that we only can help the other person to the extent and deepness of what we helped ourselves. Right, if we have the combined our formal educations, but, uh, the experience. This is really something that is very, very valuable. So, nancy, maybe we just have a last question. Uh, you have your um, your linkedin uh account and you have your other accounts, I think I'm not sure. So you have your books sold at your website or somewhere else Amazon.
Speaker 2:Yeah, my book Love Rain Night is my first book, and then this is Success Redefined with Jack Canfield. Yeah, so you can go to LinkedIn. You just find Nancy Ho, Singapore. You'll be able to find me yeah, right, yeah, it's easy.
Speaker 1:Yes, that's really, that's really really good. So so, guys, really I'm so happy Nancy have been with us today live. I know probably not a lot of audience in the live, but this is now forever. It's going to be on my youtube channel. Nancy probably will put on hers somewhere else. So please, um, look at your life from a little bit different perspective. Success with external yes, not all, and you wouldn't imagine. You wouldn't imagine the life when you, connected to yourself. You will create the love beyond your imagination, like we did.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 1:Right. So, Nancy, I would like to say deep thank you to be with me today and I hope we can get together again, maybe in six months, or maybe you even come to Australia. You come to my wellness center and we can have the live you know masterclass or something with you here. That would be really cool to serve people.
Speaker 2:Right, thank you for having me All right, that's my honor, thank you, thank you. Thank you so much. All right, this is my honor, thank you, thank you.
Speaker 1:Thank you so much. All right, guys, I'm going to put a little music. I have, let me see, my studio changed a little bit and I am having a little bit of trouble to find all the things. Yep, just yeah, found it Finally. All right, a little bit of short music and we're finishing our lives. Thank you so much, guys. I'll be back next Wednesday at 2 pm South Australian time zone, possibly with another guest or solo, it doesn't matter, we are serving here, thank you.