The Heart Of Success Podcast

Season 3 Ep 3 - Embracing Your True Self to Find Fulfillment

August 24, 2024 Larisa Vakulina Season 3 Episode 3

What if your path to true happiness and fulfillment lies far from the societal norms you're used to striving for? Join us on this eye-opening episode of the Heart of Success show, where Larissa Vakulina guides you through the intricate web of happiness and fulfillment, tailored uniquely to your own energetic makeup, character structure, and psychological profile. By challenging the age-old notion that wealth and conventional success equate to happiness, Larissa introduces you to four distinct happiness persona styles, shining a spotlight on the "tranquil soul" who cherishes balance, quietness, and personal space. You'll also find a thought-provoking quiz designed to help you uncover your own happiness style and gain a deeper understanding of your intrinsic nature.

This episode goes beyond just identifying your happiness persona—it's about reclaiming your right to true joy and fulfillment in a world that often misleads. Discover how societal pressures might be steering you away from your true sources of joy, and learn strategies to resist these influences. By recognizing and standing firm against these external forces, you can reclaim your sovereignty and pursue a life that's genuinely fulfilling and healthy. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel and follow the Heart of Success podcast for more enlightening discussions. Tune in next week as we explore another unique happiness persona style and uncover more diverse approaches to living a joyful and successful life.

00:00:01 Exploring Happiness Persona Styles

00:25:04 Reclaiming Happiness and Fulfillment

Welcome to "The Heart of Success," where we redefine success with Larisa Vakulina – a multi-awarded entrepreneur, healer, and mentor.

Feeling unfulfilled despite your achievements? Larisa knows your journey. Each week, she shares powerful insights to help you blend professional success with personal fulfillment. Through her unique blend of business strategies and spiritual principles, you'll discover your true self and build a heart-aligned life.

Ready to transform your life?

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Take The Happiness and Abundance Persona Style Quiz to find out what is your Happiness and Abundance Potential!

Speaker 1:

Hello, welcome to the Heart of Success show. I'm your host, larissa Vakulina. I go live every Wednesday at 2 pm, south Australian time zone, and here I'm sharing with you deep insights about how we can create amazing lives full of joy, happiness, fulfillment, optimal health, how we can utilize all the capacities and all our multidimensional powers to actually stop following the artificial programming that is affecting us in such a painful, negative way. And today I'm going to cover a very interesting topic that might be interesting for you to pay attention to, because we all are unique. We're all the same, but unique in our own way, shape or form, and also we're unique in relation to happiness and fulfillment because we are energetic beings and because we are all floating through this energy field. We constantly have external stimulation. Energetic vibration and frequencies are coming towards us and through us, and we also sending our own. Imagine how, um, how multi diverse all this field is. And, being a unique configuration, a unique creation of you, you have a certain set of the energies and certain sets of character structures and a certain set of character structures and a certain set of mental ability, psychological, emotional maturity levels to actually create your own unique personal attitude to happiness and fulfillment. Not everyone is seeing a lot of money and creating wealth as a happiness or fulfillment, although we've all been made to believe that this is the reality. This is the case the more money we have, the more happier and more fulfilled we are. This is not really true. Fulfilled we are. This is not really true. It's nothing to do with that internal feeling of being in alignment with your personal, unique personality and character structure.

Speaker 1:

And today I'm starting a series of podcasts, a series of shows, telling you about four different happiness and fulfillment persona styles that may be you missing to understand in yourself and if you don't have awareness or if you don't understand that you, as a unique entity, as a unique human being, have a combination and a set of characterologies and factors and traumas, and light and darkness and all the things energetically representing you. Only you represent that combination, and today I'm going to introduce you to a tool that is going to help you to understand what type of happiness and fulfillment personality or persona style or the what type of happiness mindset you personally have, because there is a four categories that are representing the whole population in terms of happiness and fulfillment, and I would really like to help you to understand what is yours, and today I'm sharing with you a unique again we're all unique, but one of these four persona styles and it is the tranquil soul. So this type of people, they are valuing a personal time space, they really love to have a balance and they really love to have quietness, have a balance and they really love to have quietness, their own way of dealing with things and dealing with all the demanding life that we all are living. And but because we are all being indoctrinated, starting from a very young age, to look at the life and at our reality from the lenses of proving ourselves to be clever, to be intelligent, to be logically thinking, to be compliant with all the things that our creators who is managing us and controlling us thinking that we need. So sometimes, when we are giving into all of this programming and all of the manipulative ideas and all of the restrictions, rules and laws, we are forming a particular way of living our life which could be opposite or could be in constant, in complete opposite of what your natural state persona is.

Speaker 1:

And that's where we mostly, personally and collectively, having trouble to find that uniqueness, find this energetic makeup that only we represent in terms of what does happiness mean to us? What does fulfillment mean to us? What balance, peace and joyfulness mean to us? So this is all different for each person because, although there is a common ground and there is a common standards and common denominators in this area, we are all slightly differently set up towards these concepts, and what I have created is a quiz that is very thought-provoking, that is very deeply addressing these parts of ourselves that are hidden behind our conscious understanding and hidden in unconscious, and we keep repeating these patterns that are not really aligned with who we really are in terms of your personal energetic makeup, your personal style and persona towards the fulfillment and happiness. So most of the time, we are following and we are moving and flowing in our life with all these, all common standard concepts of how we all need to live our lives. So today I'm going to share with you this resource and invite you to take this quiz and go deeper into these areas of your own personal, unique character, structure and your personal unique energetic makeup that can give you a very, very deep answers on the questions that you probably never ever asked yourself in your life.

Speaker 1:

So, because all of these concepts of happiness, fulfillment, joyful sometimes we perceive them as hypothetical. We don't even really internally believe and not embody this belief about this concept. For us, it seems like it is some kind of floating, hypothetical ideas that probably never attainable in our life, because we constantly and all the time having put in our focus into more of tangible things we put our focus on our career growth, we put our focus on the money-, we put our focus on having relationship and we accept the belief that we're going to have some troubles in relationships, we're going to have some problems in our businesses and things, and we're thinking well, this is life. So we're made to believe that it's okay to have pain, it's okay to have conflicts, it's okay to have crisis and all sorts of negative experiences, because we're made to believe that this is life. Well, I'm saying to you and inviting you to explore is this really true?

Speaker 1:

Is this really something that we need to keep accepting and struggle to have that inner state where you truly deeply feel joyful to wake up every day and smile at this amazing world. So you're truly, deeply happy with your life, not only with your life and not only with your life, but in your life and within your life. So all areas external and internal are in alignment and you deeply feel fulfilled. You deeply feel that you're living your purpose, you're living your meaningful, intentional, conscious life that you mold in your reality and everything that you have thought or have, the idea, you're manifesting it with ease and joyfulness and creativity. But because we are trained for so long to believe that life in many ways are limited, that life in many forms are very hard, we need to really be putting a lot of hard effort to have what we want or live how we want to live.

Speaker 1:

And yet even the most successful people, even the most famous, very wealthy people, are often not feeling this internal state of happiness and fulfillment. And what I found is that most of the time it's not that we cannot create it, it's because we don't have awareness of our own personal makeup, the energetic set, of our multidimensional, integrated anatomy, of what our persona towards happiness and fulfillment is. So we kind of have the general idea and we struggle. We kind of strive to this general idea of happiness and fulfillment through making more money, through having some relationships that possibly are not good for us, through keeping running around, through being busy, through putting a lot of effort, through constantly learning external ways of obtaining this health and fulfillment, but we never, ever feel that way right? So the tranquil soul personality is the person that is actually need to recognize and accept that part of the personal style that is actually thriving in own space. It thrives in harmony and balance. It thrives in the peaceful places. It thrives in the space where the person takes good care of themselves.

Speaker 1:

But if we really if you are a tranquil soul but you are running around and making yourself so busy and believing that your happiness and fulfillment is fully dependent on these fast actions and these fast professional skills of building networks, negotiating, making contracts and deals and all things like that, but you're not paying even slightest attention to your part that is learning to have peace, that is longing to have a little bit more self-care, that is actually hungry for that little personal space that can ground yourself. And you don't know, because you're moving so fast and you're successful, you are successful. You're afraid to lose this success and you pay little or no attention to this personal persona style and that really is something that you can utilize when you have the awareness Okay, I am a tranquil soul, so I need to rearrange my day so that I actually can fulfill this part of me that is longing for breathing, to taking some sort of a long time to be with yourself, because some other people may not be learning so much for these things. Other styles of happiness and fulfillment persona could be thriving on completely different category set of set of activities and a completely different category of the personal needs. So, um for uh, persona styles that I created quiz for is actually really deeply analyzing by by number of questions that are deeply taking your internal state, and if you honestly answer these questions, you would exactly fall in one of these four categories. And then it's not only that you will know that this is your happiness and fulfillment persona style. You would start to use this knowledge to rearrange your day so that you can fulfill the needs that you have for your particular unique persona style. And then it's not only that you are going to have the name of this persona style.

Speaker 1:

What else I'm offering is, after the questions, there is a full report about strengths weaknesses. Full report about strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, challenges and all the tips that this particular style of the happiness and fulfillment persona that you are can actually go and access. And that will give you and open up awareness to be a bit more careful about how you schedule your days, how you push yourself, or maybe you just pull yourself back where maybe your style is moving forward. So see the difference. If you are aware of your persona, style in terms of your happiness and your fulfillment, then it can work as a guidance for you to actually fully consciously design your days and your weeks and your months and your life in accordance to this particular unique style that you are. This is a very powerful tool that you can utilize through your days and weeks and life, and I actually would like to share that link.

Speaker 1:

See here if you go here, you find that quiz that you have I think it's about 10 questions. You just go and honestly, I'm repeating that and really stressing out how important it is to be very honest with yourself because, well, whom are you going to lie? It's about you sometimes and deeply thought-provoking and making you thinking questions. You answer them and then automatically, your answers will be analyzed and then you will have the result about what type of happiness and fulfillment persona that you are, and after this, you're going to have a report, full report, pointing all the necessary important understanding about that particular persona, about what challenges you, what is replenishing you, what takes your energy and what wastes your energy, where you have your opportunities that maybe you missed, what type of blocks and what type of the free-flowing and what type of creativity you have. So all of these points are in the full report.

Speaker 1:

It's about four or five pages report that you can download, you can print, you can read it and then, of course, you would have more awareness about your style and how you can, having this awareness, utilize this knowledge to actually take some steps to implement this knowledge to help you to navigate your busy, demanding a lot of time, really exhausted, tired and demanding lives. Exhausted, tired and demanding lives. So when you have a little tool like this, you would be able to, you know, turn the corners of the conflicts or pains with a little bit better. You will be better equipped to actually understand that. Okay. Well, this is my persona and I know deep inside I have this part of me that I never, ever looked at and I never met the need for this part of me. So this quiz is going to equip you to look at that part of you and design your life with the, with this understanding that I need to meet the need of that part of me. Then I will be closer to create my happy, joyful, healthy, fulfilled life.

Speaker 1:

And I myself went through a lot of crises and conflicts and pain, crises and conflicts and pain, and I went through my cancerous journey, which I healed totally organically, without any medical intervention, and going through that process and aligning and finding these little parts of ourselves that are in darkness. They're hidden. We don't have access to these parts of ourselves and we don't even know if it exists. We only can try to use these tools from someone who already done that, who already went through all the pain points and created a life that is so happy right now and fulfilled and joyful. And I keep creating every day and knowing and having a conscious understanding of my personal happiness and fulfillment style.

Speaker 1:

So, just as an example, like for me, I'm very fast, active and I have this energy that is thriving on the stressful times and pressure of the time. I'm thriving more on this environment but at the same time, I have to counterbalance this type of energy with something that can actually calm and replenish my high vibrational energy that I spent on creating a big project. So for you it may be very different. Maybe you are the one that likes to work with a really peaceful and with a lot of time projects right. So we all are different but at the same time we're all the same and the happiness and fulfillment and joyful life is our right.

Speaker 1:

We need to start to understand ourselves better so that we finally can fully climb our right to be happy, regardless of what the external powers are trying to take us out of this right and force us to have some other stuff that they believe can bring us happiness. And we know it's not. It's not even close to bring neutral state. It is harming us, it is damaging us, us sick, and it's time to start to climb back our sovereign right to be happy, fulfilled, joyful, healthy. So I thank you for next week with another persona style that is completely different, and then you can actually listen what the other persona style means and what this type of people are creating and how they have attitude to happiness and fulfillment. But right now, if you like my episode, please like subscribe to my YouTube channel, to the Heart of Success podcast, and now embrace the tranquility with you and let it guide you towards your own heart of success. Until next time, keep seeking, keep dreaming and keep thriving.