The Heart Of Success Podcast

Season 3 Ep 2 - Overcoming Distractions to Embrace Joy

August 22, 2024 Larisa Vakulina Season 3 Episode 2

Can you imagine a life where you feel fully present and undisturbed by the chaos around you? This episode of the Heart of Success show promises to guide you on that journey. We explore the essential practice of living in the moment, offering personal anecdotes and practical strategies for overcoming life's challenges while maintaining emotional balance. We discuss how social media and news often derail our peace, and provide tools to anchor yourself amidst these distractions. By aligning your multidimensional anatomy and staying grounded, you can create a life filled with joy, harmony, and fulfillment.

Discover how mindfulness and grounding techniques can help you harness your divine power and positively impact those around you. We delve into reprogramming emotional responses to achieve greater self-regulation and clarity, releasing stress, and opening up new possibilities. Practical advice, including breathing exercises and maintaining a quiet, reflective space, is shared to help you foster acceptance and balance. We also tackle the importance of acknowledging internal states of discomfort and offer tools for manageable self-awareness and self-care. Join us in this enlightening episode as we guide you toward improved mental and emotional well-being.

Welcome to "The Heart of Success," where we redefine success with Larisa Vakulina – a multi-awarded entrepreneur, healer, and mentor.

Feeling unfulfilled despite your achievements? Larisa knows your journey. Each week, she shares powerful insights to help you blend professional success with personal fulfillment. Through her unique blend of business strategies and spiritual principles, you'll discover your true self and build a heart-aligned life.

Ready to transform your life?

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Speaker 1:

Hello, welcome to the Heart of Success show. I'm your host, larisa Vakulina. I go live every Wednesday at 2 pm, south Australian time zone. Here I'm sharing with you my own personal experiences of overcoming crises and traumas and conflicts, and also sharing with you little methods, tips, strategies, how you too can create a very happy, fulfilled life that is under full regulation and control from your side. From your side.

Speaker 1:

Most of us used to, or most of us living in a space of constantly worrying about external reality. It's done artificially for us. From every corner we're hearing different news that are dividing us, all this different information that are coming from different sources, from social medias, tvs, newspapers and things. Every day, it takes us out of the moment. Now it actually painting the picture. That has nothing to do with reality, but we are being an emotional beings, we are reacting, we are having this tendency to take one side or we have the other side and we judge and we blame. We are constantly finding ourselves in emotional imbalance, in emotional swings of reacting to this news and different informational, manipulative points that are surrounding us every day, every moment of our life. Surrounding us every day, every moment of our life. Well then, the issue of being present in the moment is so critical and it is so important, and I can hear a lot of questions from my clients about how do we actually manage to stay in the moment.

Speaker 1:

To stay in the moment, it is really difficult in the environment, which is actually designed not to allow us to stay in the moment. It is designed to take us out of that moment and painting the picture of some sort of future that we need to be afraid of. It is inviting us into this space of worrying about our future lives and about our future existence and all of these things are so hard to overcome. To actually place yourself in that very stable moment of being with yourself, breathing and having this sense of groundness, this sense of peace, the sense of peace, the sense of knowing that all is okay and all is good. So we need to learn how we can actually move from that emotional disturbance, from that field that is constantly moving and shaking, into this moment now and internally anchor ourselves into the moment.

Speaker 1:

Now, each moment you anchoring yourself into this core, the core of yourself that is actually holding your body together. It holds your anatomy together, and that's where most of us are having difficulty, because we consider ourselves being a physical body, multi-dimensional anatomy, that is, having different subtle bodies that our body sits in, and that's what really the designers of this reality is focusing on. They designed to actually break, invade the boundary of these subtle bodies and no wonder why our physical bodies are not really having great health. Our emotional body, our psychological body, the mental body, the spiritual body, everything is out of balance, everything is misaligned and that's what creates these distractions. It distracts us from our main purpose, the purpose of living happy, joyful, healthy life and be able to create freely the life you want create beauty, create harmony, create love, create kindness and all of these grand purpose. That that's really what we are born for. But because we are invaded through the energy field by destructive energies of information which has nothing to do with truth and reality, and it invades our multidimensional anatomy of the energetic subtle bodies, subtle bodies, and it creates blockages and fearful time capsules and all the distorted and really it's harming us. And then it is so hard to actually have all of this beautifully designed, divine, integrated anatomy of who we really are, to actually make whole, make one light system and be in the moment with all the dimensions aligned, with all the levels of who we are, to be in the intention of creator, in the intention of excitement and intention of creative impulse, and be able to organize yourself the way that you use each dimension for your benefit, to create the life you really want. That we all have to utilize in the optimal, effective, constructive, divine way, so that all our goals and all our ideas and all our intentions are actually manifesting very quickly in our life. And being in the moment, learning how we can live in the moment, is one of these steps that are really important to learn in the beginning of that integrated process process.

Speaker 1:

So, as I said, we are intentionally taken out of this moment and out of balance so that we don't have time, space, ability to actually analyze, in a truthful way and in a truthful light, what really is happening externally, outside of us. That's why we constantly, you know, held, we hold, we are held out there, there, we, we spending and wasting our emotions and our energy on clinging to different news and concepts and all this divisive news every day. So I invite you to really seriously look at this issue and start to make decision for yourself, because really, we are facing much more harder time. We are facing much more harder, deeper crisis than it is right now. It's sometimes it's it we well, what else can be worse than what we are already experiencing? But it's going to be because we need to clear up, creating this discord, this disturbance, these pains and anger and all of the very destructive, distorted, painful, aggressive actions that we are seeing everywhere, in all areas of our lives in education and politics, in government, in health industry, in wellness industry. Everywhere we see in the division, and that's what really is affecting us to live in the moment, because in the moment there is no division, there is only unity unity of your own, divinely created, integrated anatomy as a unit of light with all the universal light and with all the lights of other people. That's how we connect.

Speaker 1:

And if we waste our energy and if we emotionally constantly every day, reacting on some certain news or some certain happenings that happen somewhere, well, we don't have chance to actually align with all the people that are already achieved that state of living from moment to moment to moment and be in that moment and assess and evaluate and analyze external happening in a very constructive and truthful way. And these people are around. Many people are awakening, they're working through constantly, having the intention to be aware of what's going on and they're making constructive, honest decisions. If they just fall back into the emotional reaction, they recognize it, they know they they humans, they have emotions like everyone else, but they forgive themselves and they they move forward. They accept that they have some limitations, but they put intention in front of them, saying okay, I'm a human being and I'm learning from all of this process and I'm forgiving myself.

Speaker 1:

There's another issue about forgiveness. A lot of my clients asking well, I can't forgive, how can I forgive? Well, you only, you only need to have intention to forgive, you only need to have this internal desire and saying to yourself I'm willing to forgive Only 1%, only 1% of that person that is actually made, created a lot of pain for me. I don't know how to forgive this person, but I'm willing to open up that 1% intentionally forgiving this person. You don't need to do anything else because we have help right now from universe on any level, and if you open that little space for forgiveness only 1% the rest is up to our creator, the rest is up to our source. It's gonna to see your intention and it's gonna to help you in every step of your life.

Speaker 1:

Well, this is really, really important, and that is one of the prerequisites to live in a moment. I also gonna to share with you a very simple exercise that also can quiet the mind, can transform your mind from worry, from all of these perpetuating problems that the mind is constantly creating, from a little discomfort that you have with someone in relationship, in professional life, with your boss, with your friend. If there is some discomfort, the mind is picking up this discomfort and seeing it as a threat for you, and then it starts to create drama, and then it's more and more and more, and that little discomfort can become a huge catastrophe in your life, because mind likes to create this. Well then, we need to learn with mind and know how we can shift it from this place of catastrophe into the place of the moment, into the place of being grounded in the moment, in a place of being inside of your divine anatomy, anatomy. Feel this one knot of the core energetic presence that is actually holding all of your anatomy in place and start to work with this process. So the five minute exercise that I'm going to offer for you, it's actually here. Let me just put it on my screen so if you go into this link, you can download it. It only has three steps to get you from that catastrophe the stress, the pain, the demanding, blaming, destructive, aggressive mind only takes five minutes and it takes three steps for you to be able to shift that in a moment.

Speaker 1:

And then, when you learn this process, you can train yourself to stay in the moment all the time. Train yourself to stay in the moment all the time and how amazing it is to use everything that you are given, all of your multidimensional faculties and abilities, to actually be a strong, powerful, self-regulating being that is actually molding the reality for your own life and you're actually affecting others in the same way. Once you start to do this process, you're automatically inviting everyone around you to do the same. You don't even need to tell them by words, you're already doing it because we are all connected in this energetic field and they will feel your vibration, your energy. They will feel that little opening of the forgiveness, acceptance, self-compassion. They would feel these vibrations and they will become curious.

Speaker 1:

And once you are in the moment, once you're out of that emotional reaction and stress and all this overthinking process which is building and building catastrophes all the time, building and building catastrophes all the time, every day, each day, every moment. Well then, you would be able to see it from that real place of the truth. And then, when you are in the moment, you have more than able to see the reality in a truthful sense. You're more than capable of making resolutions for anything that you believed you could not manage externally, you could not cope, you could not deal with. So you then you will be able to face any crisis or any stress or any conflict with that grounded, being in the moment attitude that will help you to navigate through these painful times and through the conflicting times with grace, forgiveness, with honesty. So please download this little resource that can be just placed near you on your desk or you can have it with you, and it takes only five minutes. And also, if you start to do it every day, you will start to reprogram your anatomy because, as anywhere else, as we go to gym and we build our muscles, as we go to the studying and learning, we build our mental body, mental muscles.

Speaker 1:

Well, it is the same. We need to build the muscles of our emotional compass. We need to build and tune into this compass of the most reliable navigation system, because it's so sad that we're not using it fully. It is so sad that we are only using little parts of ourselves, of this creative power. We only use it I don't know like 20% or even less. Why. Why do we do that? We are fully, totally equipped to use everything that we are given and we're given so much. Use everything that we are given and we're given so much. We're given amazing power to manifest and create, as the creator does. We have the same capacity, so why don't we use it constructively? Why don't we use it? Um, with all our excitement? Um, so I know, I know there's so um much of the destruction happening around. There's so much fear going on around, with each news, with each sharing on just you know, media, with all the newspapers and things, and all the politicians, what they're saying and what they're claiming and what they're creating. So it is hard, but we have to do it, otherwise we're not going to survive this storm. The storm is coming, it's already here, we are inside of it, but it's going to survive this storm. The storm is coming, it's already here, we are inside of it, but it's going to be a bit more shaky. So I'm inviting you to start, take a little little steps. It's really not that hard.

Speaker 1:

When we are clinging to the stress and we're thinking that somehow we are in control, we're thinking well, this is the reality. I lost my job, I don't know what to do, I'm in stress, I just don't know what to do. And then, when you actually cling to the stress, you're not helping at all because you are shutting yourself from being able to see the resolution of it. Yes, you can apply for the job and things, but you can actually, by focusing your mind and aligning all of your divine integrated anatomy, to attract the job to yourself without even running around and you know, blaming someone or yourself, judging someone or judging yourself and criticizing yourself. I'm not good enough, I'm an idiot. I lost the job, but this is not working at this time. I lost the job, but this is not working at this time.

Speaker 1:

If in the past, it was enough for us to go to university to obtain some skills, to learn professional knowledge, well, right now we are in a space where we are required a bit more, not only that professional skill or the tasks that we learned from educational institutions. We now are required to actually utilize all of our divine capacities and divine faculties that are inbuilt in us. So we are in this storm, we are in this reality now that no one, no one, going to be not feeling it. Everyone will have the effect of this shift and transformation that we're now all going through. And this is a really great invitation for you to start to ask questions. And if you're constantly in stress, if you are constantly thinking that by stressing around, you're helping yourself to control your life, well then drop that concept, because it is make it make your life and make that particular situation worse. It's going to go deeper and the universe is going to bring you more of what you worry about. Bring you more what you're stressing about. So the invitation is extract yourself from that external trembling and shaking.

Speaker 1:

Find your quiet place, start to breathe. Breathing is given to us to regulate our energy. Start to feel your core, the core which is located just two fingers below your belly button. That's where the energetic core that holds all your multidimensional being together. It holds your physical body. So start to give yourself very quiet, silent time, very quiet, silent time. Breathe. Accept that you are giving up to all manipulative realities. Accept the state and accept that you are allowing yourself to be taken out of your balance. Accept it and stay in this and breathe through this acceptance and then, in a few minutes time, you would start to feel more grounding happening, the energy will start to stabilize, you will start to feel how the energy is traveling through your multidimensional being with much more supportive way.

Speaker 1:

And then you sit in this state and also accept it and believe that now you are in the moment, nothing outside is affecting you. When you're sitting in that moment, in your core, you only feel yourself, you feel your energy flowing through you, you feel your breathing supporting you, breathing supporting you, and then slowly shift your mind into thinking and moving towards what you would like your life to be like. What's the solution? Ask a question. What possibly the solutions in front of me that I'm not seeing because I was in a stressful state? Well, right now I'm sitting in my core. And what the solutions that I can now see?

Speaker 1:

And for sure, I'm guaranteeing you're going to have at least two, three, if not five or more solutions that will come to you because you're allowing a greater intelligence work through you, because you're in a moment and that's how it works when you're not in a moment, it doesn't you only having, uh, circulating your own ideas and your own belief system. That is really limited and you go and circulating through this limited loop of your self-perpetuating negative perception. Once you're in a moment, that's where you open up to that greater intelligence. You open up yourself to receive many different possibilities and resolutions for your problems in the moment. And then, once you truly feel that you are in the moment, well then there's a trust and belief kicking in. You believe the resolution is great, you believe that this resonates with you, you believe and then you take actions to go and do what you felt the best resolution for you is Well. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

If you like my show, please like it, subscribe for my YouTube channel and I would like to hear from you. Maybe you just comment on any of the concepts that I'm talking here and maybe you share your own personal experiences of how you achieved being in the moment. How did you do it? I would like to know from you how and what method you're using in your life. It may be going for a walk in a forest, it may be painting, it may be all of these different ways of sitting with yourself in a moment, and in this moment, all the resolutions and solutions will come into you, to help you to navigate through difficult times.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much. I'll see you next week and I really would like you to start to not ignore what you've always been doing in the past. Don't ignore your internal state, if it is pain, discomfort, if it's overthinking, it's overwhelmed, stress, anxiety, depression, worry. Well, it is an invitation. Don't ignore it. Start that little small process. Five minutes down there you have the link. I put it here. If you go there, download it, print it for yourself and start to practice. So thank you so much and I see you next week.